As you may now have guessed as much as I love London I still far prefer being at home in the country and being able to go on long walks, relax in the garden and spend time with family and of course our menagerie of animals! Last weekend pretty much encompassed all of my favourite things and it couldn't have been better!!
The weather was absolutely glorious last weekend which was perfect as it meant mum and I could enjoy having breakfast (bacon and scrambled eggs on toast with tomatoes - my favourite) out in the garden with a nice iced coffee. Is there a better way to start the day? I personally don't think so - despite having a balcony in London I really don't sit out there enough!
And now onto Freddie's favourite way to start the day (having said that it's probably his favourite way to spend the ENTIRE day!) - sitting by the little pond watching the fish. If in doubt as so where Freddie is this is usually where he will be found come rain or shine - he is obsessed with fish!! A refreshing change from our other cats (the white fluffy ones anyway - yes we have FAR too many cats) as they barely go outside - lazy little so and so's! As much as I think Freddie's obsession with the fish is adorable my dad can get a little annoyed from time to time as believe it or not Freddie is a talented little fisherman and his patience sitting and watching pays off when he finally scoops a poor unsuspecting fish out of the pond with his paw!
With a day starting out as beautifully as this there was one thing I knew I just had to do and that was pop over to Matthew's parents house so I could kidnap their little puppy Oscar for the afternoon and take him out for a walk. I recently treated myself to a new camera and this seemed like an ideal time to take this little poser out and experiment with my new toy! Isn't he just adorable? With so many cats at home it's pretty clear that my family are cat people at heart but Oscar is starting to change my opinion on dogs....slowly!So off we went for a little stroll in the sunshine and Oscar wasted no time finding the biggest stick he could and then proceeding to run off with it whenever we tried to get it off him to play fetch - little monkey!
Spending time around Oscar has started to make me think that maybe I'd like to get a dog when I'm a little older - in addition to a cat of course!! But as much as I think Oscar's cute I've decided that if I get a dog it's probably going to be a miniature dachshund. The sole reason for this being the many incredibly adorable photo's that Becky at Milk Bubble Tea posts of her dog little dachshund Oscar who I am utterly in love with! If you don't read her blog or follow her on Twitter I highly recommend you do for regular updates on her life with little Oscar - if it doesn't make you want one just like him I don't know what will!
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